Thursday, November 11, 2010

ACT English Reflection

I believe that I did fairly well on the English section of the ACT that we took in class. I believe that even though I did not study I did very well. Im saying very well because I was one through two points off. I feel that I could have done better if I got some sleep the night before. I also think if I would have not been so bored with it and lost interest I would have done better as well. The English section of the ACT is not hard at all to me you just have to go with your first instinct and pay close attention to what you put in the black weather its a different answer or you leave it the same. The best thing to do is read over the underlined section and then go through each answer and put it in the black to see which one sound like. I believe when I study for the real ACT I will do a lot better on that section and the others as well. This was a great life experience on what I have to do in order to pass the ACT and I believe that it was a great idea for my teacher to give us that test. In conclusion It was a very good thing to go through and now I believe that I know how to prepare my self for the ACT in march when it comes around. Im proud that I did better then I thought all I have to do is put my mind to it.

What Inspires Courage?

In my opinion what inspires you to become couragous is you. I believe only you can inpire your self to have courage. I believe that however you set your self is the way you can over come courage. To me courage is inspired by the way you set you goals not limits for life. If you set your goals to become fearless and also brave, you canbe couragous. In order to inspire courage you have to be dominate. You must know that no matter what happens you can over come any obsticale that steos in front of you no matter how much bigger, stronger, smarter, or the level of intimidation it has ver you. Life is made for people to believe that they have to or are suppossed to be afraid of at least ne thing no matter how big or small it really is. In order for you to believe that you are not afraid of that one thing and show that you have courage you must first ask your self; Do I want to be afraid and choose that path of not being able to look your self in the mirror because you coudnt over come your fear or do I want to cose that path of becoming couragous and finally be strong and stand up for myself? To me this is one of the most important questions you must ask your self before you se your self todo soething. Am I going to be able to do this with a huge amount of courage or am I going to punk out at the last minute. You can not tavel your whole life believe that you are afraid because if you think about that carefully you will realize that this can possibly lower your social life because no body would want to hang out with a man or women that is scared of leading a group of people into a hunted house the whole way in and out for example. You must believe that you are strong and not scared. You have to have that mentality that you can always do it no matter what. You also have to trust your self to be one of those men or women that can stand out when pressure is approaching. That to me this is what inspires courage.